After the sad dearth of photos on the last blog I felt this one should be pictures - so expect few words this time! It has been a mammoth clear up time here as now sheep tasks are up to date, alpacas are all winter ready and knitting is finished for the year we have finally tackled the 'garage' - it isn't actually a garage anymore but is now part of the house but it's construction leaves something to be desired as it has very little insulation and is freezing! It had also turned into a junk and storage room but has now become a proper dining room with an oil filled radiator (we do actually have central heating but, having a wood burner in the lounge, rarely use it). It does look rather like a garage still but better than trying to eat in the lounge with three cats!
So, onto the pictures, and the first one is of the only snow we have had - so far.
Now this one is a rather weird one! I bought a new kettle which starts blue and then turns red when it boils. I took a photo to show someone who was asking about it but when I up loaded it I noticed something VERY spooky! Can you see it?!
I never really think I have that many sheep but the other morning it looked like there were quite a number - and this is not all of them! There are now 120 altogether with 86 lambing although 10 are Sam's.
The cats have been busy. Ginger brought two mice/voles in but she then just leaves them, still alive, and goes off to look for more almost as if she thinks they are too cold outside. Cruella and Little Wee then stalk and kill them if I don't get to them in time - this one I saved!
The Welshies are still mostly keeping to the highest ground but do venture off the bank at times.
And this is Grace who is too fat which is a worry as last year she prolapsed and had to have a caesarean so I am trying not too let her get any fatter or there will be problems ahead!