Thursday, 28 December 2017

Christmas is nearly over

As usual, Christmas is flying by!  A nice Chrismas Day where sadly far too much food was eaten was followed by a good Boxing Day where even more food was eaten!  I have got to train myself to make less as I think the left overs will last us well into January.  Photos are of poor quality and I really must address the camera issue next year.
And mother just after dinner!
In the evening we had a quick trip out to see Sam who was having dinner at his house with Kristy's parents and various others.  It was really nice to see them sitting together playing Farm Monopoly which I had never heard of.

Boxing Day we managed to stir ourselves enough to visit a friend whose other half is away in Scotland farm sitting until the New Year.  They are having a bit of snow up there but so far there has only been a light dusting on the hill in our neck of the woods.  Yesterday, we had to go over to the other side of Bath to collect Leaf, the ram, who has been on his holidays with some ladies and we were surprised at the amount of snow there.
And now for a random festive sheep!!

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Happy Christmas!

Almost every card is delivered, almost every present is wrapped, most definitely every bit of shopping is done and it isn't even Christmas Eve yet - that is a nice feeling!  Of course I still have the trifle to make, turkey to stuff, table to lay . . . . but I quite enjoy doing that on Christmas Eve.  The tree has remained intact despite it periodically being attacked by the cats and the presents are still wrapped under the tree despite the dog snuffling around them at every opportunity. 

The Carol singers arrived and I had forgotten they were coming so I was in the bath and Carl did the honours - I just hope he put something worthwhile in their pot as their carolling sounded very good in the bath and he gets flustered with things like that and is just as likely to have accidentally insulted them with a handful of coppers!

Weather is really too mild for Christmas but the weather man is giving hints that maybe colder times are on the way.  I would like a bit of a cold snap but will be glad when things look more like this

Mind you - this was quite fun!!
I did mean to do an alpaca Christmas photo but time has run out so here is one from a few years ago -  that little girl is now in Italy where they have had a bit of snow this year.
I shall enjoy Christmas I am sure but what I am really looking forward to now is lambing and there is not too long to wait as the first are due on 4th February - the countdown begins!
A very, very Happy Christmas to you all - may your dreams come true and your days be contented and fulfilling!!


Saturday, 16 December 2017

Photos this time!

After the sad dearth of photos on the last blog I felt this one should be pictures - so expect few words this time!  It has been a mammoth clear up time here as now sheep tasks are up to date, alpacas are all winter ready and knitting is finished for the year we have  finally tackled the 'garage' - it isn't actually a garage anymore but is now part of the house but it's construction leaves something to be desired as it has very little insulation and is freezing!  It had also turned into a junk and storage room but has now become a proper dining room with an oil filled radiator (we do actually have central heating but, having a wood burner in the lounge, rarely use it).  It does look rather like a garage still but better than trying to eat in the lounge with three cats!
So, onto the pictures, and the first one is of the only snow we have had - so far.

Now this one is a rather weird one!  I bought a new kettle which starts blue and then turns red when it boils.  I took a photo to show someone who was asking about it but when I up loaded it I noticed something VERY spooky!  Can you see it?!

I never really think I have that many sheep but the other morning it looked like there were quite a number - and this is not all of them!  There are now 120 altogether with 86 lambing although 10 are Sam's.

The cats have been busy.  Ginger brought two mice/voles in but she then just leaves them, still alive, and goes off to look for more almost as if she thinks they are too cold outside.  Cruella and Little Wee then stalk and kill them if I don't get to them in time - this one I saved!

The Welshies are still mostly keeping to the highest ground but do venture off the bank at times.

And this is Grace who is too fat which is a worry as last year she prolapsed and had to have a caesarean so I am trying not too let her get any fatter or there will be problems ahead!

Monday, 11 December 2017

Snug as a bug in a rug

Even colder now!  But not a nice cold - far too damp, muddy and drizzly for me.  This morning I was feeling sad we had not seen any snow but I soon found a few flakes when I got up to the hill.  There wasn't enough to get excited about but a little smattering which meant the ewes did get a bale of hay despite not really being allowed it as they are all too fat.

Christmas Markets are all now over for this year and I did not have enough knitting left to make a profitable stall for the last one I was due at so I had to cancel.  This did not make me very popular but it would have been silly to stand there with a couple of scarves, a random hat and a pair of arm warmers!  My two big shawls have not sold yet but I didn't expect them to as they are a little expensive to make a quick sale.  I am now thinking of different ways of doing things for next year and attempting arm warmers with little fingers which are a bit fiddly but I will, hopefully, get there.

Now, there are no photos today and there is a reason for that.  I am sitting in the lounge wrapped up in a very comfortable blanket to type this as it is a bit early to light the fire and I still have to get the evening rounds done - the lead to plug the phone in for the photos is up stairs and I do not want to come out of my cocoon until I have to!!