Wednesday, 27 April 2016

And so we begin!

New blog 
New Start 
Let us hope I can return to rather more regular blogging.  Firstly, the reason for the change of blog.  I am now doing as much, if not more, sheepy things as alpaca things so calling it a Westhill Alpacas blog no longer seemed appropriate.  The Westhill Alpacas blog really started as a place to keep in touch with my parents when they lived at a distance,  It then turned into a sales tool and then gradually just a place to keep a diary which I hoped might interest people.  I now just want a chatty blog so - Life in Leigh begins!

At the moment I am in the middle of attempting to sort out another alpaca export to Italy which is increasing in size by the minute and getting increasingly complicated along the way.  The sheep are all growing but grass is getting in very short supply - it is just not growing very quickly!  The weather is peculiar - hail yesterday and cold today with bouts of lovely sun.

I have had one terrible tragedy.  My oldest alpaca, Prue, went up to join the sheep as a sheep guard along with some other old girls.  She took her duties very seriously and marched round and round the field checking all the lambs.  Sadly, she tried too hard and came to a dastardly end.  She spotted a fox in the field and charged after it - running straight into the electric fence and getting entangled in her panic.  I tried to get to her but was in first field and by the time I got there she had died from a heart attack.  I had a concern about electric fence but there was no real option as there is a footpath at the bottom and the gate keeps being left open and dogs allowed off leads.  A sad end for Prue but it was quick and she had a wonderful couple of weeks protecting lambs.
Kitchen renovations are beginning to pick up pace - I now have no kitchen as Carl took everything out last weekend.  Hopefully, tiling will take place any day now and then I can get the new cupboards.  It will be wonderful to have a dishwasher, at the moment I am washing up in the bath!

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