Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Thank you!!

Well!  What a lovely surprise I had just now!  Took me a while, due to the amount of mud around, to sort out all the animals - third field can only be accessed by foot at the moment.  After a quick trip to the vet to pick up a few lambing essentials I got home to find the post man had been and left a parcel.  Thank you so much Willie!  Willie had told me all about an alpaca scarf he had seen in Blandford - and he sent it to me!  It is beautiful and lovely and soft, certainly will not be ruining it by wearing it in the field.  I had to hang it up quickly as the cat was eyeing it up thinking it would make a lovely warm bed on such a grey, damp day!
You are a star Willie!!


  1. HaHa! I was thinking of the cats at the time,
    pity there was'nt two...one each! :).

    But, your welcome..should help keep a bit of the
    cold out..! :).

  2. It will but I am not wearing such a nice scarf in the field!!!
