Monday 1 January 2018

1st January 2018

Well, another new year!  New Year's Eve passed fairly quietly here as we had spent all day getting sheep ready for lambing in February.  They needed their annual booster to guard against various diseases and protect the unborn lambs.  This meant gathering everyone which is not always a simple task but this time it went fairly smoothly with only the badger faced ewes refusing to cooperate.  Carl, Sam and Kristy were in charge of rounding everyone up whilst I ran in front with the bucket but they ended up with little to do but lounge on the quad as all 84 ewes chased me and the bucket down the hill perfectly (except the badgers!).
The Dorpers have been temporarily corralled in the barn as it was too wet to do their feet properly but they are quite happy there
So now it is back to normality - tree and decorations coming down tomorrow, alpacas need halter training, lambing supplies to organise and church to clean!!

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