Thursday, 26 October 2017

Fat bottomed girls

My bruising is now fading but sadly my body disintegration continues as I now have to have a tooth out - and it is not at the back!!  If I never smile again you will know why.  I knew it was coming but have been putting it off for as long as I can.  No longer can it wait and I will have a gap which will have to remain as a gap for the time being as the cost of a bridge is extortionate.  What next?!

Alpacas are doing fine but not enjoying all this wet weather.  Hopefully, we are soon in for a bit more drier, colder weather.  The main group of sheep have happily settled up in third field where they have more grass than I think they have ever had at this time of year.  This does mean they are getting a trifle fat which is not necessarily a good thing as we don't want birthing issues and over size lambs.  Time will tell!

The Welshies have settled beautifully and, despite still being on the wild side, I managed to move them without any help.  Not all of them have been mated yet so it looks like a very extended lambing for them  next year.
And now it is back to knitting - more arm warmers needed!!


  1. Sorry to hear of your tooth Rosemary...
    Can't you find something smaller than a
    'bridge' though...look at the size of the
    one across the Stour...Goodness! :).

    Will send you a photo of a pair of warmers
    my daughter made for me last Christmas.....!
    Pink of course..! :0).

    1. I hear the bridge in Blandford is due to be closed for a month from Moonday!
      Will check emails for your warmers!

  2. Blandford Bridge Closure - 30 October to 25 November. Dorset County Council has advised us that works are being undertaken to Blandford Bridge over the River Stour. The road will be closed all day, every day between 30 October and 25 November 2017.
    That's what it says on line....Best get the rowing boat
    out of the shed....! :).

    Oh! Hope you don't mind..l never made any reference to
    'Fat Bottom Girls'..I could get carried they
    say..'The further the better'. :0).
