Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Head butting

Up pretty late tonight as Carl is away and I set my self a list of jobs to do and I am determined to finish them before retiring!  Not that going to bed seems to do any good these days as come 1 o'clock in the morning I am up again -  probably an age thing!

The rams are now all out and back in their own paddock without too much arguing.  Walnut received an almighty head butt from Kane which put him in his place and he has not tried his luck since, which I am not surprised about as the sound of heads clashing reverberated inside the truck.

Getting in between two rams intent on fighting is not to be advised - their heads are very hard and there is a lot of power there!
Branson and Pickle - the two cria - are growing well.  They have not been handled much at the moment - halter training will have to start in a month or so.  They need to get used to being gently handled before a halter makes an appearance which is fun apart from when the dreaded Lina makes an appearance.  Lina is not Mum to either of them but is very protective.  Come to think of it she is very protective of anything!  There are two little ram lambs in with them at the moment as I didn't have any where else to put them.  They can't go in with the big rams or they will be terrorised and they can't go with the ewe lambs as we would risk underage mums!  When I was checking their feet the other day Lina got in rather a panic when she saw them being sat on their bottoms.

The shawl I am knitting is making progress but is, probably, the most difficult thing I have ever tackled.  At the moment it looks like a complete mess but I hope once finished and blocked it will miraculously turn into something elegant.


  1. HaHa! Love the names Branston and Pickle...
    If they grow and have youngster, will it be
    called Chutney...! ooooops! :).
    It's 3:20 in the morning, having my first
    lemon tea, up and about, as there's been a
    small power cut...six hours of it yesterday!
    Most of B'ford with no electric...! :(.

    Shawl looks nice Rosemary..does it come in any
    other colour....Pink would be nice! Oh! Dear!
    Another lemon tea, me thinks! :).

  2. They might have a struggle to produce, Willie - both boys!!!
    Six hour power cut! That's a long time - especially without tea!
    Wish I did have pink - will have to have a go at dyeing some!
